Quote: Division and the Cell

“The division between materialists and spiritualists is not situated at the summit of human conscious thought, but in the cell. It is not a metaphysical division, it is a physical one. That is where the Wall is. And when it falls, there is no longer materialism or spiritualism, there is …. something else. We could even say there is no longer Matter as we understand it or Spirit as we understand it, but something else. Something that is all ONE–but not ONE on the summits of thought (there is no thought left there!) ONE corporeally, cellularly, physiologically–and universally. Really another world, and yet the same. “All now is changed, yet all is still the same,” said Sri Aurobindo.”

                                        (Satprem, ‘The New Species‘, p. 320)

Documentary: Death by Design

Click here to watch an excellent documentary about our Cells!

Click here to watch an excellent documentary about our Cells!

As we begin to explore and share more on this blog about the Consciousness of the Cells, we wish also to share not only about the more subtle and spiritual side of the cells, but also to present information from the scientific world which has made discoveries in the recent past which can inspire our vision and understanding of the world of the cells, their nature, and their relationship with us…..as part of us!  One wonderful documentary that was released in 1995, entitled Death by Design, gives glimpses into the nature and characteristics of the cells, along with beautiful imagery and video of cells at work in our bodies.  It looks deeply into the role of ‘Programmed Cell Death’ in our physical life and in a very entertaining and inspiring way reveals just how social and interactive, and even ‘conscious’, our cells are.  We invite you to watch this documentary, which is available on Youtube and feel free to share your own reactions, inspirations, and experiences here as comments.

Click here to go on a little documentary adventure with the cells:  Watch Death by Design!!!

The Wake-Up Call

From Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust

From Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust

As a first posting for our new CCE site, we would like to begin with a quote from an epic poem experienced and written by Sri Aurobindo Ghose, a Being of immense importance in the Yoga of the Cells and the Awakening of the Cellular Consciousness in the world, and indeed the pioneer of this new Pathway, along with his spiritual partner Mirra Alfassa, also known as The Mother.

“O Force-compelled, Fate-driven earth-born race,
O petty adventurers in an infinite world
And prisoners of a dwarf humanity,
How long will you tread the circling tracks of mind
Around your little self and petty things?
But not for a changeless littleness were you meant,
Not for vain repetition were you built;
Out of the Immortal’s substance you were made;
Your actions can be swift revealing steps,
Your life a changeful mould for growing gods.
A Seer, a strong Creator, is within,
The immaculate Grandeur broods upon your days,
Almighty powers are shut in Nature’s cells.
A greater destiny waits you in your front:
This transient earthly being if he wills
Can fit his acts to a transcendent scheme.
He who now stares at the world with ignorant eyes
Hardly from the Inconscient’s night aroused,
That look at images and not at Truth,
Can fill those orbs with an immortal’s sight.
Yet shall the godhead grow within your hearts,
You shall awake into the spirit’s air
And feel the breaking walls of mortal mind
And hear the message which left life’s heart dumb
And look through Nature with sun-gazing lids
And blow your conch-shells at the Eternal’s gate.
Authors of earth’s high change, to you it is given
To cross the dangerous spaces of the soul
And touch the mighty Mother stark awake
And meet the Omnipotent in this house of flesh
And make of life the million-bodied One.
The earth you tread is a border screened from heaven;
The life you lead conceals the light you are.”

(Sri Aurobindo, ‘Savitri’ p. 370)

Welcome to Our Community of Cells

Our Cells are Awakening…..vlcsnap-2014-11-10-16h14m40s63

Around the world, more and more people are awakening in Consciousness.  We are experiencing and embracing a much wider spiritual perception of Life and all that it is, and all that we are as a part of it.  We are discovering our inherent Unity and Oneness with each other, with the world, with the Universe, and with the Ever-Present Divine Source and Consciousness that lives within each of us and All of Life. 

We are also in the beginnings of a new Journey of Awakening – a Journey that involves exploring and experiencing that part of Life which humanity has believed for so long to be absent of Consciousness and Spirit. 

It is a Journey into the Soul of Matter and into the Consciousness that lies deep within our bodies and cells…..

Many people around the world have been having more and more Cellular Consciousness Experiences (CCE’s) in various forms, and in personally unique ways, for many decades now.  The administrators of this blogsite are included among these people, and are now creating this blog and website as a portal, a forum, where people from around the world (including us!) can share their Cellular Consciousness Experiences, as well as other explorations or researches into the consciousness of the body and Matter. 

We invite and urge all of you to share your own personal CCE’s or other cellular researches with us on this site, so that we might grow together and also build a greater network and Connection between the CCE’s happening all around the world.  In this way, we might understand this new Cellular Awakening even more and find greater insights and discoveries into who we are, Together.

Please share your stories and experiences by clicking HERE, to contact us and add your own seeds to this CCE site.

Love and Light to All……The Cellular Consciousness Experience (CCE) and Laboratory of Evolution (LOE) Research Team

A Note from the Dream-Maker of this Site:  Bhaga

vlcsnap-2014-11-10-15h54m08s182When a little while ago I started feeling the need of such a site for inviting other people to contribute their own CCEs for our collective human enrichment and thereby consciously accelerated evolution, I decided to make that move itself a collective one:  I asked a young friend of mine who is also a CCEr for many years if he would help setting up the new site and join me in administering it.  I’m very glad to say he agreed, and this is how, after a few meetings and some further communication between us, we are happy to welcome you to the present newborn site!

In the joy of this happy beginning of a collaborative venture I hope will develop into its full usefulness for the world, I look forward to the contributions that some of you visiting this new site may have to offer to it. Welcome to you in our Community of Cells!